Tuesday, April 24, 2018

With Prayer, You Are Never Alone.


We get overwhelmed with what's going on with our life.  As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours."   Last week, I spent time visiting with my mom, my two daughters, and my grandchildren.  On the last full day of my visit, my daughter had a steam burn in her arm.  And while she was attending to her arm, her eldest son tripped and fell.  She attended to him while trying to protect her burnt arm.  She then decided to take him to the emergency room.  The x-ray showed that there was a break in his arm; not all the way thank the Lord.

As she left with her son, I assured her that we would be praying.  When her younger son heard the word "pray," he started praying with intensity asking Jesus to help his brother.  For the second time, on that visit, that precious little boy learned the importance and the power of prayer.  That was a tremendous blessing to me.

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." This is a verse that I fervently claim in whatever circumstance that comes my way.  You and I have to be able to rely on someone for help and guidance.  We shouldn't do anything alone and by ourselves.

When we have an ally and a friend in Jesus, we are never abandoned nor deserted.  We are like a tree by the rivers of water (Psalm 1:3), always refreshed.

Are you overwhelmed?  Are you feeling down?  Are you feeling discouraged?  Find a verse that you can claim with passion, words from God's Book that will boost your faith to a higher level.  Remember, He is always there for you.

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